Aura Contrivers Private Limited, has redefined the standards of quality, commitment, Integrity and established itself as one of the top developers in the real estate reign. Impeccable quality and peerless workmanship are the hallmarks of our architectural creations. Being backed by a skilled workforce, Aura is managed by experts who have carved a niche for themselves in the real estate realm. Aura firmly believes that the lynchpin of the construction business is reliability. Team Aura subscribe to this axiom, verbatim. As engineers first and architects the foremost, we are fastidious, giving due importance to each and every element, details, aspect and process. The strength of the structure we create, the aesthetics of the villas we manifest, and the curb appeal we give to the exterior to turn it enchanting…everything depends on our commitment to go to the depth of the chore and give it our best to delight the customer.Our customers repose 100% trust in our capabilities and commitments. Aura’s projects are not just about building the villas; instead, it is building a sustainable network of people, neighbors and friends. Aura has always made it a point to offer all our clients and investors superlative value additions and ROI. This trust is what drives us to go that extra mile to present something monumental to the community every time, exceeding our benchmarks in elegance and opulence.